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Syntiant CEO Kurt Busch Talks Edge AI with Chris Kalaboukis of ‘thinkfuture’
News George Medici News George Medici

Syntiant CEO Kurt Busch Talks Edge AI with Chris Kalaboukis of ‘thinkfuture’

Syntiant’s CEO Kurt Busch is interviewed by Chris Kalaboukis, host of the “Thinkfuture” podcast, about the future of edge AI and its transformative potential. Kurt also sheds light on how Syntiant’s pioneering technology is propelling artificial intelligence to the forefront of edge devices, delivering unparalleled benefits like reduced latency, enhanced power efficiency and increased privacy.

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At the Edge: AI performance Cannot be Tiny Anymore (Part 2 of 2)
Blog George Medici Blog George Medici

At the Edge: AI performance Cannot be Tiny Anymore (Part 2 of 2)

In the first part of this series, we explored the challenges posed by the current approach to edge AI, such as scalability issues, escalating network and cloud costs, and the limitations of legacy processors. As the demand for smarter, faster, and more secure AI applications grows, it is becoming increasingly clear that edge AI cannot be tiny anymore. In this follow-up, we will discuss the reasons behind this shift and introduce Syntiant’s new NDP250 chip as a prime example of how advanced edge AI processors are addressing these challenges and making Edge AI a reality.

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